KEditToolBar ported to KProcess

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Jun 13 11:52:36 BST 2007

On 13.06.07 12:39:03, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 12, 2007 at 07:17:26PM +0200, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > +++ kedittoolbar.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
> > -  if ( !m_kdialogProcess->start( K3Process::NotifyOnExit ) ) {
> > +  m_kdialogProcess->setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::MergedChannels);
> >
> this is no equivalent transformation. nothing in the original code
> suggests that the channels are supposed to be merged. OnlyStdoutChannel
> seems right.

Right, I overlooked that. David already comitted though...

> > -       m_kdialogProcess->readln(icon, true) <= 0 ) {
> > +  icon = QString::fromLocal8Bit( m_kdialogProcess->readAllStandardOutput() );
> > +  icon = icon.left( icon.indexOf( "\n" ) );
> >
> use
>   icon = QString::fromLocal8Bit( m_kdialogProcess->readLine() );

Saw that later on, will change when I'm back home.

> fwiw, there is no hurry with porting away from k3process - unless your
> os comes from redmond. >8=)

Well, IMHO what you did is rather rude, even if K3Process doesn't work
on windows (I didn't yet get a chance to test this out) now the handful
of windows developers have to port all of KDE (or at leat
kdelibs,kdepimlibs and kdebase) to KProcess, which needs a serious
amount of time and testing (I ported K3Spell and that was far from
simple) and thus slows down the windows porting efforts. Nobody can
compile KDE now on windows and even if you don't like that OS thats IMHO
no reason to handicap other open source developer efforts.

Apart from that, IMHO there is need to hurry to port kdelibs and kdebase
away from K3Process because this has (AFAIK) a serious effect on any
application that uses Q/KProcess, namely non working process execution.
At least thats what I've been told here more than once (K3Process and
Q/KProcess don't work together in the same app).

Anyway, unless we face serious problems I'm not going to suggest to
re-activate K3Process for win32 to get at least compilation going again.


Future looks spotty.  You will spill soup in late evening.

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