[RFC] Color usability time, take 2

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Jun 7 16:07:00 BST 2007

Olaf Schmidt wrote:
> Using colour manipulations to get the 7 additional background colours is 
> probably less reliable to achieve a good result,

I kind-of want to say that's what we agreed on the last time this was 
brought up, but I may be misremembering.

> but I do not really care as 
> long as enough contrast is ensured according to the WACG2 guidelines, cf. 
> http://accessibility.kde.org/oxygen.php

Right. :-)
(Incidentally, I just stumbled upon that document a day or so ago :-).)

> (BTW, my self-invented sHSL seems to be identical to HSY).

Not quite, you are doing gamma correction also :-). Since that seems to 
be 'correct' according to WAGC2, it's probably the right way to do it.

IMO I would rather use Y in the name as the standard symbol for "luma", 
which is what you are actually calculating. I think the "correct" name 
of your color space is actually H'S'Y' (that's extrapolating from stuff 
on wikipedia), which isn't really usable in a function name :-).

Is 's' a standard indicator that the coefficients are gamma-corrected?

Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
(...with apologies to Arthur C. Clarke)

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