kdelibs TODO list

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Tue Jul 31 03:37:01 BST 2007

On Friday 27 July 2007 20:37, Diego Iastrubni wrote:
> In the spirit of "the stuff we are using is crap, we need better tools", I
> was thinking of trac (http://trac.edgewall.org/) and setting a milestone
> which links all the bugs related to kdelibs4.0.0.
> I am not saying that bugzilla should be replaced by trac. This tool is
> extreamly cool for small projects, but it does not scale to projects big as
> KDE. For example, it uses a LOT more of cpu resources to display a page.
> Also, simple things like dependency between "tickets" is not existing.
> However, it does some cool tricks, like the wiki integration and the idea
> that every commit text ueses the same wiki syntax. The code browser is just
> the best thing I have seen for SVN. I am sure that there are other things.

Yes, Trac is really cool, but it doesn't support multiple projects, which 
makes it inappropriate for KDE IMO.
If you need a all-in-one solution for your KDE app (e.g. amarok or something 
like this), it may be a really good idea.


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