[PATCH] remove UDSEntry from the public KIO API?

nf2 nf2 at scheinwelt.at
Mon Jul 30 18:34:31 BST 2007

Richard Moore wrote:
> On 7/28/07, nf2 <nf2 at scheinwelt.at> wrote:
>> I see, but there is some kind of relationship between kfile and
>> libsolid. I reckon this has to change when plugging GVFS in. In this
>> case, Kfile should probably use the gvfs API for drives and volumes
>> instead...
> I'm curious why we would be pluging GVFS in at all? I don't remember
> any discussion about us using it.
> Rich.

I believe a discussion whether the core-engine of file-management (which 
KIO tries to be - at least for network-resources) can be in the desktop 
layer, or not, wouldn't be bad. Perhaps the problem is not as obvious 
for desktop developers than for everyone else. Generally i think that 
users don't care about the "K" or "G" in front of application names. 
They rather expect that everything which is a "linux application" will 
run on any desktop in the same quality and hit the install button. 
Finding out that different applications provide totally different and 
incompatible file-management models (in file-choosers for instance) will 
most likely frustrate them. As long as someone only works with local 
files, he won't realize. But working with documents on file-servers can 
be a painful experience. GVFS might be an opportunity to fix those 
file-management inconsistencies...


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