Adding dependency on kdebase to kdegraphics

Dirk Mueller mueller at
Tue Jul 24 15:41:41 BST 2007

On Saturday, 21. July 2007, Aurélien Gâteau wrote:

> libkonq is a bit higher level, have a look at KonqOperations: it has nice
> static methods like to copy, rename, paste from clipboard, ask delete
> confirmations. I could reimplement it (that's what I did in Gwenview 1.4)
> but I think it's not the smartest thing to do.

The best solution would be to rip that functionality out, put it into a libkfm 
and import it into kdelibs. I don't want a copy of libkonq anywhere or some 
other nightmare (like gwenview depending on kdebase/apps). 


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