[PATCH] Fixing kdebug

Thomas Zander zander at kde.org
Tue Jul 24 11:20:37 BST 2007

On Tuesday 24 July 2007 10:44:08 Thomas Zander wrote:
> In KOffice I had 2 compile errors due to this;
> * QPair isn't supported  (I was using a QPair<QString, QString> )
> * It used to be possible to pass a struct (by reference at least) and
> let kdebug print all members.  (ints/QStrings)
> for reference the usages;
> koffice/libs/flake/KoShapeRegistry.cpp:90, 140
> koffice/krita/image/metadata/kis_meta_data_store.cc:154

And two more;
QVector<QPointF> bcwpPoints_display;
kDebug()<< k_funcinfo << bcwpPoints_display << 
QPolygonF(bcwpPoints_display) << endl;

The vector itself and the polygonf both don't compile.

I get a compile error in 
which uses a line defined in;
KRITAIMAGE_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const KisMetaData::Value 

Thomas Zander
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