KDE 4.0 Feature Freeze

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Sat Jul 14 17:17:00 BST 2007

On Saturday 14 July 2007 14:44:17 Allen Winter wrote:
> In summary, please respond if you:
>  - know about a new feature that can't be started before 25 July AND
>  - think this feature is critical to the 4.0 release AND
>  - want the freeze delayed
What are we going to do with plasma? there are some *vital* features (like 
scripting) that are not implemented yet (altough the work going on on plasma 
is a lot) and also the plasma libs lack many very important features.
Can an exception be made for it, and the freeze delayed? I think those 
features are crucial for 4.0.

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