[patch] Fixes for kdelibs on win32/msvc

Jaroslaw Staniek js at iidea.pl
Tue Jul 10 19:54:56 BST 2007

Maksim Orlovich said the following, On 2007-07-10 16:22:
>> Hello,
>> RFC. This patch is against trunk from the last weekend, so I'll update it
>> before commiting.
> This change to KJS:
> -    static const uintptr_t TagMask = 3; // type tags are 2 bits long
> +    static const uintptr_t TagMask;
> is NOT ok, as this constant is accessed in some ultra-hot paths. If you
> have to workaround this bug in your compiler, please use an enum.
> Also, could you please consider disabling the bogus "casting int to bool
> is slow!" warning rather than adding tons of extra conditionals to the
> code?

See the attached file.

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
  Sponsored by OpenOffice Polska (http://www.openoffice.com.pl/en) to work on
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  KDE3 & KDE4 Libraries for MS Windows: http://kdelibs.com, http://www.kde.org
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