Solving the colour scheme issues properly

Olaf Schmidt ojschmidt at
Fri Jul 6 19:27:43 BST 2007

[ Fredrik Höglund, Di., 3. Jul. 2007 ]
> > Well, (b) is the technical problem, yes. The two sorts of roles is more of
> > an API design issue. Which is a concern too, since QPalette is confusing
> > enough, but KColorScheme has its own terminology. I'll skip commenting on
> > this part, though, since there are people better than me when it comes to
> > API design.
> It has already been commented on by me in one of the numerous
> threads Matthew has started on this subject.

I just looked at the email you sent back then. Your suggestion to use the 
exact same terminology as QPalette was also my original plan, but Trolltech 
did not provide the colour roles we asked them for. I still hope that a 
future Qt version will extend QPalette to include everything that we need 
form a usability/accessibility point of view, but for the time being, 
Matthew's KColorScheme code is at least a solution for us.

Concerning the focus / hover decoration colours: Originally I suggested to add 
both text and background colours for this. But Matthew convinced me that it 
might be easier for the users to only set one colour. Applications can still 
create real text and background colours with the tint function (and 
KColorScheme should have a convenience function for it to make this obvious).

To summarise: I agree with your concern, but the perfect solution is 
impossible at the current point of time, and having no solution for the 
usability and accessibility problems at all would be much worse.

> This is precisely what XSETTINGS is.

OK, so any volunteer for this?


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