Some porting from KIO::Jobs to KJobs

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at
Wed Jan 17 13:41:52 GMT 2007

2007/1/17, Kevin Ottens <ervin at>:
> Le Mercredi 17 Janvier 2007 12:43, David Faure a écrit :
> > This works for the case of loading contacts, but not when it's indeed about
> > files. totalSize(2000) means 2000 bytes, not 2000 files, and you need
> > totalFiles/totalDirs in addition.
> Right now, totalSize is what's used for percentage computation... I wonder
> what percent() is supposed to convey then.

I think percent can be more general. As I said to Ricard think on a
2-steps progress for example, where the progress is the overall
progress, instead of the 1st step itself (copying for example). The
kuiserver gives that advantage.

> > So generalizing this leads to totalSize / totalItems / totalOtherItems ? ;)
> Generalizing it would give totalItems(qulonglong total, QString unit) :-)

The problem here is i18n. I suppose on unit you thought about
"contacts, mails...". How could we make the difference when talking
about different kind of plurals on some languages ?

Rafael Fernández López.

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