Question to KPluginSelector

Matthias Kretz kretz at
Sun Feb 25 13:44:28 GMT 2007

On Wednesday 21 February 2007 17:12, Rafael Fernández López wrote:
> I agree mETz's idea. Having a button for each plugin may be interesting, so
> only one click is necessary.

Did you take a look at Kopete's "Configure Plugins..."? I agree that for 
applications where one ore two of many plugins provide a KCM it might be 
better to use an additional dialog, but for an application where 12 of 15 
plugins (those numbers are from Kopete) provide a KCM..?

> Matthias, If we go to mETz's approach, there is no need to calculate
> resizings (before or on KCM's load), since the configuration dialog will be
> shown on a different window, when the button is clicked.

Yes. I mentioned that.

Regarding resize on KCM load I think Kopete has solved the issue quite well. 
The KCMs are all of the same size when I load them here (that might be 
different in a translated (with longer strings) version, though). So the 
dialog never gets resized. That's just a matter of policy.

If you go that route of "external" KCMs than IMHO it has to be configurable 
(via API). But for the sake of consistency I prefer to find a solution that 
fits all. And IMHO neither "show the KCM widget stack all the time" nor "show 
a button to open the dialog" qualifies.

So are there other options? When I created the class (a long time ago it 
seems) I was first going to hide the KCM area whenever no KCM was provided.

Matthias Kretz (Germany)                            <><
MatthiasKretz at, kretz at,
Matthias.Kretz at
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