Porting problems with KMainWindow::readProperties()

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Sat Feb 24 14:28:23 GMT 2007

Am Samstag, 24. Februar 2007 03:32, schrieb Tobias Koenig, instead of 
> That looks really strange... passing just a group here when the
> application needs the whole config object to access also other groups
> is really pointless IMHO. We should pass the KConfig* object here...

I am wondering: Isn't this the same problem as with passing a QPainter* 
around? You never know in which state it returns. But we learnt to deal with 
it. Can't we just treat KConfig the same?

And if having a KConfigGroup I wonder if there should be a KConfig accessor at 
all with it? Either we want all parameters stored in the namespace of the 
group or not. If another group needs to be accessed in a function the design 
is flawed anyway :P

And will we always restrict KConfig to be two only two hierarchies deep?

But then I didn't really look inside the issue...


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