organizing kdebase

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu Feb 22 18:31:58 GMT 2007

On February 22, 2007, David Faure wrote:
> On Thursday 22 February 2007, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > keeping runtime/ to mean "those applications which form the runtime
> > requirements of KDE applications" seems to be a good separate goal to me
> > for reasons i've already stated.
> I don't see why we need to separate the runtime-requirements of C++ KDE
> applications from the runtime-requirements of KDE-related scripts.

oh, it's not about C++. if Ruby or Python apps used these tools, that'd be 
enough. the language used is not relevant, the kind of application is.

let's say i did an `$PACKAGE_MANAGER install kfoo`, that should pull in 
kdelibs and kdebase/runtime. the latter should have only what is really the 
runtime for such applications. kfoo, regardless of what language it is 
written in, should not be using kwriteconfig.

if i write an admin script to do something like "change the default domain for 
all our users" and i use kwriteconfig, i should need the tools from kdebase 
indeed. but that's not the runtime for applications.

this creates a separation that reflects the reality of what kde apps can and 
should be using, and which are fundamental tools (therefore they are in 
kdebase and not elsewhere) but which are not meant for use from a kde 

> Especially since we're arguing over 6 small tools :)

devils in the details? or maybe i'm really a type 'a' personality masquerading 
as a playboy. hmm....

you're right that this doesn't need to be debated to death, i just want to 
make sure i'm communicating my thoughts clearly before pushing everything 
back into runtime/, which seems a lot less "clean" to me right now.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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