KConfigGroup (Re: KDE/kdelibs/khtml)

Stephan Kulow coolo at kde.org
Sun Feb 11 13:00:18 GMT 2007

Am Sonntag, 11. Februar 2007 12:48 schrieb Stephan Kulow:
> > > on a related note, are we going to hide readEntry() and writeEntry as
> > > well and move them to KConfigGroup? if not, what does a KConfig object
> > > with no ability to directly set the group do precisely? i would guess
> > > it writes to [General], but again it's just a very odd API now.
> >
> > Makes sense (the removing or at least deprecation of all those methods
> > together). Not the writing to [General] - that's a habit we should drop
> > btw since kdeglobals provides a [General] group too so kiosk restrictions
> > on it affect the app's General group too; and vice-versa iirc. An
> > unfortunate name clash.
> I think I'm going to test if the kde4_kconfig branch is any alive and see
> how much effort it is porting :)

OK, I did some experiments and not hiding readEntry and co just asks for 
porting errors of code like

  config->setGroup( "Group");

  KConfigGroup cg(config, "Group");

this will compile fine, but won't work.

But hiding readEntry and co is a bit problematic as KConfigGroup inherits from 
KConfigBase. This will only work if we _move_ the symbols to KConfigGroup, 
which I'm a bit scared of.

Greetings, Stephan

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