Ideas for Student Projects

Richard Dale rdale at
Wed Feb 7 13:25:41 GMT 2007

On Wednesday 07 February 2007, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> Anyway, the good news is that the Austrian computer society has a contest
> for Open source projects:
> The (high school or university) students are supposed to work on projects
> (~2 Months) that are not necessarily restricted to coding. In fact, other
> activities (UI design, graphics, documentation, etc.) are explicitly
> encouraged and allowed as a project, too.
> Now, I'm looking for some KDE project ideas that I can propose for that
> contest. The students are supposed to choose one of the proposed projects
> (or they can propose their own ones, of course).
> If you heave any idea for such a project (e.g.  clean up the whole UI of
> some application, implement some great plugin, etc.), please tell me.
I think rewriting some of the kde-edu apps in Python or Ruby is a good idea. 
They are relatively small and simple, and don't need the speed of C++. I'm 
hoping to mentor a project here in the Canary Islands starting in April, and 
we're going to attempt to write klatin or kverbos or similar in Python 
probably. I assume teachers will be familiar with the requirements for what 
edu apps need to do, even if the target users might be younger than their own 

-- Richard

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