KJob test. Going forward

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at gmail.com
Fri Feb 2 01:59:51 GMT 2007

Hi folks,

I've done a small effort writing a test for the KJob class. I pretend to
take a look of what needs we may have in actual coding, not developing on
air. This is the full patch that I have ready for kdelibs, including strong
changes on the observer / kuiserver architecture.

We have the virtual method doKill() at kjob.h. I wonder if it would be nice
to have another one, like doPause() and doResume() or something. Since the
observer is the class that has to call those methods (because slots for that
are there, look at the code), and on those slots it receives a KJob*, we may
need some methods like those on KJob class, so they can be called on the
observer class.

Waiting for your comments.

Rafael Fernández López.
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