3.5.6 'make check' problems... LOTS of them

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Feb 1 19:52:27 GMT 2007

Leo Savernik wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2007 schrieb Matthew Woehlke:
>> Finally, KATE's regression tests fail; the instructions for running them
>> want HTTPS svn access which I don't have. Why can't ordinary users run
>> this test? (*I* have an svn+ssh account, but why should I need one to
>> run 'make check'?) I tried anonsvn; it failed with a '302 FOUND'(??).
> To the regression tests itself it is totally irrelevant how the checkout 
> of /trunk/tests/katetests/ hits the harddisk. As this step cannot be fully 
> automated nonetheless, it makes no differences whether the Makefile pulls the 
> tests, or whether you do it manually.

...but can it be made to /not fail/ if they aren't there? This seems the 
most logical solution, so that 'make check' can pass. :-)
(This is how e.g. coreutils does things; it warns you that tests are 
being skipped, but does not fail.)

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