Applications not being launched from applications: protocol

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at
Mon Dec 31 00:01:57 GMT 2007

Hi all,

Playing with applications:/ protocol, which I also have been working  
with for fixing bug #154819, I have noticed that when you click on an  
application, it will ask you to Save Cancel or Open with KWrite.

It is nice to see that if you click on "Open with KWrite", it will  
actually execute the application :)

Well, the attached patch makes them being launched, as well as asking  
for executing permission when trying to run an "external" desktop file.

Please tell me if I can commit this change.

The last part of the patch really confuses me (because of the previous  
code). Please tell me if I'm missing something, but I think the logic  
was the opposite...

Bye and thanks,
Rafael Fernández López.
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