[patch] remove exports from kjavaappletviewer

Jarosław Staniek js at iidea.pl
Fri Dec 28 17:24:20 GMT 2007

kjavaappletviewer is a plugin, but apparently its classes are marked with 
KHTML_EXPORT. The patch removes KHTML_EXPORTs from kdelibs/khtml/java/.

For review.

Without this change, compilation for targets that define explicit symbols 
visibility (msvc) fails, e.g. static KJavaAppletContext::contextCount member 
cannot be initialized as import the class is marked as imported by KHTML_EXPORT.

Even if we need the classes to be exported (I cannot see it) - we may need 
separate libkjavaappletviewer and something like LINKJAVAAPPLETVIEWER_EXPORT 

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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