kdebug vs. non-debug builds

Jaison Lee lee.jaison at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 05:21:45 GMT 2007

> > #if !defined(KDE_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT)
> > # define kDebug        KDebug(QtDebugMsg, __FILE__, __LINE__, # Q_FUNC_INFO)
> > #else
> > # define kDebug        if (1); else kDebug
> > #endif
> >
> > this can be properly solved by inlining kDebugDevNull() to return a
> > fully inline KNoDebugStream like it was in kde3 and how QDebug does.
> >
> uhm, actually, this won't help, as the return value cannot be assigned
> to QDebug then; QDebug itself has the same problem. so unless somebody
> has a brilliant idea ...

I'm not certain of its brilliance, but I did notice that the offending
definition is actually a redefinition of kDebug and kWarning from
further up in the same file. Simply commenting out the faulty
definitions has so far seemed successful. The attached patch
demonstrates what I'm talking about.

I'm running a full recompile of kdebase right now but it takes too
long on my machine and I'm going to bed right now. :) If this works
I'll commit in the morning. There may be a better fix but right now
getting things to compile seems most important.
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