signal signatures vs. inheritance (Re: [PATCH] KProcess port of khelpcenter)

Oswald Buddenhagen ossi at
Thu Dec 20 20:15:25 GMT 2007

On Thu, Dec 20, 2007 at 08:14:16PM +0100, Ralf Habacker wrote:
> i see, you mean this
>    meinproc->setOutputChannelMode(KProcess::SeparateChannels);
OnlyStdoutChannel, but anyway ...

> To be able to handle the finished signal i have to use QProcess related 
> types in the signal definition like
>    connect( meinproc, SIGNAL( finished( int, QProcess::ExitStatus) ),
>             this, SLOT( meinprocExited( int, QProcess::ExitStatus) ) );
> or
>    connect( meinproc, SIGNAL( finished( int, QProcess::ExitStatus) ),
>             this, SLOT( meinprocExited( int, KProcess::ExitStatus) ) );
> both formats works.
> If  i use the following
>    connect( meinproc, SIGNAL( finished( int, KProcess::ExitStatus) ),
>             this, SLOT( meinprocExited( int, KProcess::ExitStatus) ) );
> it compiles but raises a "could not connect" runtime error.
i'd call that a misbehavior/bug on qt's side, given that it does not
reflect c++ namespacing rules. both of the first variants working and
the last one failing seems outright weird ...

> Wouldn't it not better to add a  specific signal to KProcess to avoid
> such problems ?
do you realize *how* many classes would have to be uglified that way?

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