[RFC] Use QFileSystemWatcher as another method for KDirWatch?

Dirk Mueller mueller at kde.org
Thu Dec 6 21:02:28 GMT 2007

On Thursday 06 December 2007, Christian Ehrlicher wrote:

> With my patch this works too (just copied the relevant parts from
> KDirWatch/inotify - support)
> Looks like inotify can't watch non existant files/dirs at all.

Thats correct, thats why kdirwatch implements it, instead of having to 
duplicate that functionality in each application that needs it :-)

There are some other limitations of the Qt classes. Thats why I don't think it 
makes sense to use it by default - even though it provides a slightly nicer 
API. The API could have been cleaned up (well, not now anymore). 


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