XF86WWW produces strange shortcut sequence

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Dec 6 18:10:31 GMT 2007

On 05.12.07 20:17:21, Andreas Hartmetz wrote:
> Am Mittwoch 05 Dezember 2007 19:32:53 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> > Hi,
> >
> > When trying to assign a shortcut and using my "WWW" button on the
> > keyboard for it, the result in the shortcuts dialog is:
> >
> > Meta+Ctrl+Alt+Shift+<non-printable-char>
> >
> > And of course it doesn't work then. However other multimedia shortcuts,
> > like the Email button or the "app1" button work fine (or all the
> > play/pause stuff).
> >
> > Anybody seen something similar or know how to fix that/where to fix it?
> >
> There seem to be some regressions in Qt 4. The same problem exists/existed for 
> the multimedia pause button and I filed a bug in the task tracker. The 
> symptom was similar - lots of modifiers and some unicode garbage. I got an 
> initial reply from a support engineer saying that some developer will take 
> care of it and he also asked some questions of which I told the answers to 
> Thiago or Simon IIRC (i.e. there was no reply mail to the support engineer).
> In any case, please list any keys that (still?) don't work and I will just 
> follow up on the last mail from Trolltech support. That's probably the 
> easiest way to get a quick response.

Ok, here's what I've got on my keyboard that doesn't work:



It was all so different before everything changed.

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