[PATCH] New signal for KKeySequenceWidget

Olivier Goffart ogoffart at kde.org
Thu Aug 23 12:31:21 BST 2007

Le mercredi 22 août 2007, Andreas Hartmetz a écrit :
> First off, minimizing porting work at the cost of API quality is not a
> priority for me.
> The safest and most explicit API that I can come up with and that doesn't
> require subclassing is this:
> public slots:
> void denyValidation();
> signals:
> validationHook(const QKeySequence &newSeq);
> It is very straightforward and you don't get tempted to do things you
> should not be doing - i.e. changing the shortcut in response to the user
> choosing a different one. Although you can still do exactly this if you
> need to. Would this API also work in the given use case?

Other possibilities:  (I'm not saying they are batter ;-) )

 void validationHook(const QKeySequence &newSeq, bool *hook);

or even

 bool validationHook(const QKeySequence &newSeq);

Yes, return value of slot is forwarded to the signal, although this is not 
documented, I don't know why.
I noticed this issue when porting to Qt4, because a slot did return a type 
which Qt cannot handle, cosing compile error in the .moc

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