kdefx/blitz options

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Aug 13 22:03:44 BST 2007

Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> winterz asked me to post an update on what our options are w.r.t. kdefx. 
> So, here we go...
> [snip]
5. use blitz, fix our build system
   + cleaner code, maintained, up to date
   + no more kdefx anywhere :-)
   + blitz can be removed later (e.g. 4.1), BC
   + porting should be not too bad
   + kdelibs can use blitz

...and shoot anyone that uses blitz w/o -lblitz for abusing ELF (note: 
Windows might not allow such abuse).

I used the attached stuff to test that it should be OK/BC to remove an 
unused lib w/o breaking BC (provided that it isn't spuriously 
referenced, that is).

People say I'm going insane. I say, "what do you mean, 'going'?".
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