kdelibs TODO list

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Thu Aug 2 03:10:41 BST 2007

On Tuesday 31 July 2007 14:55, Fathi Boudra wrote:
> > Yes, Trac is really cool, but it doesn't support multiple projects, which
> > makes it inappropriate for KDE IMO.
> > If you need a all-in-one solution for your KDE app (e.g. amarok or
> > something like this), it may be a really good idea.
> Trac supports multiple projects:
> http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracMultipleProjects

It says "plans for post 1.0", so right now it doesn't support multiple 
projects (ok, you can run multiple projects with multiple trac instances in 
parallel, but they are completely separated).


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