generic mimetypes on windows

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Fri Apr 20 07:37:03 BST 2007

Christian Ehrlicher schrieb:
> Pino Toscano schrieb:
>> Alle 21:24, giovedì 19 aprile 2007, Christian Ehrlicher ha scritto:
>>> Anyone knows how we can create the 'default' mimetypes like text/plain
>>> on windows? kde.xml only creates the kde specific ones and I can't find
>>> a generic.xml somewhere...
>> I think you misunderstood something about the MIME
>> system: the common archive with the most common MIME types (and the
>> main MIME type utility) is available under the name of
>> shared-mime-info[1]. You need to have that, since 6 weeks or so
>> (otherwise you would not even start compiling kdelibs).
>> You need also to point to the XDG data directory with the mime stuff
>> using the XDG_DATA_DIRS envvar. On Unix it could be eg:
>> XDG_DATA_DIRS=$KDEDIR/share:${shared-mime-info-prefix}/share:$XDG_DATA_DIRS
>> On Windows, try to make sure ${shared-mime-info-prefix}/share is in it.
>> Then run kbuildsycoca4.
>> [1]
> Thx, as Andreas Pakulat pointed out, I forgot to install
> It was a pain compiling update-mime-database on
> windows so I did not notice this file once the executable linked fine ;)
I tried to add cmake support to shared-mime-info, which isn't hard. The
main problem is that update-mime-database requires glib which adds a big
dependency to kde on windows. :-(

Wouldn't there a way to skip glib ?


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