A New Krazy Checker for #include

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Sun Apr 8 19:31:41 BST 2007

> > Other ideas that I may implement one day (or maybe someone will do me):
> > - if including an installed header, always use #include <foo.h>, not
> > "foo.h" - foo.cpp should always include its own header foo.h first
> What is the reason for this?

that way you are certain that "foo.h" can be include in a file without the 
need of including an other header. For instance:
foo.h contains:
class myWidget : public QWidget
And in foo.cpp:
#include "foo.h"

build, but each time you want to include foo.h you also have to include 
QWidget, it's an easy example, but it's annoying to have to track headers.

So I vote++ on this one :)

Cyrille Berger

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