New class KHistoryDoubleNumInput
sebastian at
Mon Apr 2 18:26:42 BST 2007
I post this, because of a hint from kde-devel at to descuss it here.
Tested with KDE-3.5.6
It's a new class no patch !
KHistoryDoubleNumInput extends KDoubleNumInput class by a KCompletionBox for
history input selection.
If the Mousecursor is over KHistoryDoubleNumInput:
-The mouse will be grabbed if KCompletionBox has min. one entry.
-MouseTracking is then active. If mouse position is out of this Widget the
mouse will be released for QT.
-The pop-up menu will be shown if you press a mousebutton and KCompletionBox
has min. one entry.
-If the KCompletionBox has min. one entry it uses one click for pop-up and
one for close, until KHistoryDoubleNumInput works like KDoubleNumInput
again. The second click can be double to select all for overwriting.
-An entry will be stored if you enter something with the keyboard that's not
exactly greater or less than one step.
-Values entered with the SpinBox won't be stored because of that.
-If KCompletionBox has no entry, KHistoryDoubleNumInput will behave like
-By pressing a mouse key and moveing on a KHistoryDoubleNumInput the
KCompletionBox won't be activated at all. So drag and drop is possible.
The SpinBox value can't be compared with the value I stored plus/minus the
step of the SpinBox, for filtering, so I have to make them proper.
I think this is the most compact form for history extension, and it is good to
handle. I was thinking about an overloaded version with a pulldown button for
history but that would have made KHistoryDoubleNumInput too wide.
It's in separate class files, that you can test and change it better and I
think knuminput gets now a little too big.
This class relays on KDoubleNumInput's widget (area) and on QT (mouse)events.
So this class will work on all versions of KDoubleNumInput and KDE.
So this class can be used with KDE-4.x, KDE-3.x, KDE-2.x and should work on
each app. that has a KDoubleNumInput and wants a history.
- KDoubleNumInput::value()
- KDoubleNumInput::setValue()
- KDoubleNumInput::valueChanged( double ) [signal]
- KCompletionBox::activated( const QString & ) [signal]
- QWidget::releaseMouse()
- QWidget::enterEvent( QEvent * )
- QWidget::leaveEvent( QEvent * )
- QWidget::setFocus()
- QWidget::clearFocus()
- QWidget::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * )
- QWidget::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * )
- QWidget::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * )
- QString::toDouble()
Now is the question if it should be included to kde-x/kdelibs-x/kdeui/ ?
And if it is handy, comfortable ?
Sebastian Beck
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