Hubert Figuiere hubertf at xandros.com
Mon Sep 18 17:00:31 BST 2006

On Sunday 17 September 2006 15:12, Cyrille Berger wrote:
> > If I remember well a discussion, Krita uses STL too.
> > (In that discussion, I was again the use of STL in KOffice.)
> mostly because I am more confortable with STL's container than Qt's one...
> but most of the time someone more confortable with Qt's one change the
> code, forcing me to dig in Qt's documentation to understand what the code
> does when there is a bug... but that's an other story ;)

I think that is is important to be interoperable with STL. Because it is 
standard C++, it is "industry standard", and it help writing cross-platform 


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