Kleag kleag at free.fr
Wed Sep 13 20:54:27 BST 2006

Le mercredi 13 septembre 2006 18:41, David Faure a écrit :
> On Wednesday 13 September 2006 17:35, Dirk Mueller wrote:
> Does it really need conversion to/from STL classes? Isn't it enough to use
Well, I just use a library eavily using STL  (boost::spirit) and I have to 
convert to/from std::string taking care of staying always with UTF-8 encoding 
(I don't want to have a C-string intermediate, just because it's not 
elegant). Thus in this case, I just want to use QString::fromStdString and 
QString::toStdString. Just being able to remove the define would be enough 
(is already possible ? Does the remove_definitions function exist ? I will 

I generally use as much as possible STL and boost because it's a standard for 
the first one and usually elegant for the second one (and also, I'm just used 
to them :-) ). Not being a kdelibs developper, I'm not so much concerned by 
compilation times, even if doubled...


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