Future of some functions in the class KCharsets

Nicolas Goutte nicolasg at snafu.de
Sun Sep 3 15:10:31 BST 2006

On Sunday 03 September 2006 13:40, Thiago Macieira wrote:
> Nicolas Goutte wrote:
> >As the functions are not related to QTextCodec and as the KCharsets
> > class has changed its main purpose since Qt2/KDE2, I intend to move
> > them out in they own class.
> >
> >I propose the name KEntity for that class. (I have chosen the singular
> > form, as there is already a file entities.c which is related.)

I have thought further. The problem of the name KHtmlEntity is that it could 
suggest that the file and the class belong KHTML and not to kdecore.

As for moving that class into khtml, KHTML would need to be the only user. (I 
do not know if it is.) Also if some code uses KHTML, it probably do not need 
to handle the entities directly. On contrary code handling the entities 
directly, is probably not using KHTML as it does not suit.
(Remains also the problem that moving the class to khtml would probably need 
some coordination with Apple, so that it would be something out of my (time) 

> Make that KHtmlEntity, since they are HTML-specific (except for < and
> &, which come from XML).

Have a nice day!

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