KDE HIG: What do you do?

Christian Esken esken at kde.org
Wed Oct 11 21:45:08 BST 2006

Am Montag, 9. Oktober 2006 14:01 schrieb Celeste Lyn Paul:
> Hey all, 
> I am preparing for a user test of the KDE4 HIG and would like to get some info 
> from you, the users of the HIG.  Not to get too much in to the methods of the 
> test, but basically I will observing and taking feedback about how 
> participants complete typical sub-tasks like looking up a guideline, 
> cross-referencing widgets, or referencing an accessibility implementation.
> n or implementation for search boxes
> So.. (in not so many words..) what do _you_ do?  What are a sample of tasks or 
> activities you perform (or plan to) when referencing interface documentation.

I always have alignment/spacing trouble. How much space to put where, in dialogs, application main window, and everywhere else.

I usually put spacing betwen GUI elements like this:
- Put in some minimum spacing so some elements don't "stick together"
- Put in not more spacing than "neccesary", so the user can make the window as small as feasible.
- After that adjust everything until it looks beautiful enough.

It works, but doesn't lead to a consistent GUI. Some guidance would be nice (possibly including the use of separtors and borders).


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