Mocups of focus hints for panes

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Tue Nov 28 00:59:41 GMT 2006

Gary Cramblitt wrote:
> I am not an expert, but I believe the real question is: Do the existing style 
> capabilities support clearly showing focus as you propose?

They should. My own style (based on phase but heavily modified to pull 
in concepts from bluecurve and plastik) draws some form of focus hinting 
on most widgets. Knowing to do it is the important part, actually 
/doing/ it is a matter of style implementation, so the answer AFAICT is 

Ok, this is a bit confusing having only part of this thread on 
kde-usability, especially when it is (in current form) as much or more a 
usability issue as a devel issue. If all future respondents would CC 
both lists that would be appreciated. :-)

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