Mocups of focus hints for panes

Jarosław Staniek js at
Sun Nov 26 16:18:20 GMT 2006

Mockups based on Qt Assistant:

1. The current state - focus information is inaccessible:

2. A mockup of the left pane focused - both dock's header and the tab are 
highlighted when focused (highlighting the tab is usable when there are more 
focusable widgets than just tab in a pane):

3. A mocup of the main pane focused - the tab is highlighed, AND the left pane 
highlight color is in "inactive mode" - for my color scheme this means the 
color is lighter. This gives a hint where the focus is, the only place where 
the dark-gray area is displayed.

PS: Of course the focus color is blue for by default, substitute it with 
anything that will be the default in KDE4, even orange color is quite good 
(catching the eye) - see the example of MSAccess 2007: Access 2007.jpg

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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