[kdeui] return type of KActionCollection::actionsOfType()

Jarosław Staniek js at iidea.pl
Fri Nov 24 22:58:34 GMT 2006

1. A question about:

template<class T>
   KAction* KActionCollection::actionsOfType(   const QString &   name )const

Logic and the docs say "Returns: A list of all KActions in the collection 
which match the parameters" but it's return type is KAction* instead of 
QList<KAction*> ...

How does it even compile?

2. actionsOfType() could return QList<T*>.

Reasoning: if I am looking for a given type, I'll be most probably try to use 
it's methods, e.g. KSelectAction::comboWidth(). SO why should I cast again?

Attached a prototype patch: kactioncollection.h.patch

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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