Okular moving

Tobias Koenig tokoe at kde.org
Thu Nov 16 23:49:44 GMT 2006

On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 11:52:23PM +0100, Wilfried Huss wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 16. November 2006 20:47 schrieb Thomas Zander:
Hi Wilfried,

> > A huge portion of the features you listed in your email seem out of place for 
> > either app. As Tobias also pointed out.
> Why? Would you like to have an image viewer were you cannot crop the image,
> or rotate it?
You crop and rotate the image to view it, that's something different
from modifying it.

> Deleting pages from a PDF file, mergin two PDF files, or rearranging
> the pages in a PDF file, are functions that I do expect of a good PDF viewer.
No, not of a PDF viewer but a PDF tool like Acrobat.

> Also there are no other GUI programs that can do this things.
> Well, the targetaudiance for Ligature are definitely people that create documents
> and not only read them. A strong focus lies in a good TeX workflow.
So why not pushing Ligature in the direction of a PDF/TeX tool with all
editing features you miss currently in other viewers and keeping okular
as universal document viewer.

When you try to merge editing of PDF documents and viewing of X other
formats in one application you have always the problem that some
features (e.g. insert/replace pages) is not available for all document
formats, that is not just an usability problem but also a hint for bad
design. Lets follow the UNIX philosphy, one tool for one task.

> Well Okular and Ligature share all fileformat backends: Poppler, DjVulibre,
> Ghostscript, libtiff, kdvi. That is really the hard part. 
Yes, and sharing the code or creating something like kipi for document
plugins doesn't make sense IMHO.


BTW maybe we can move this thread to another list to keep traffic low
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