KProcess documentation fix
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at
Fri Nov 10 16:42:46 GMT 2006
I'd like to know if it is ok to commit the attached change to
kdelibs/3.5. It fixes the KProcess documentation by documenting that
using QProcess and KProcess in the same application leads to problems
when using KPorcess::Block (see the KProcess thread here).
You will live a long, healthy, happy life and make bags of money.
-------------- next part --------------
Index: kprocess.h
--- kprocess.h (Revision 603424)
+++ kprocess.h (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ class KPty;
* for programs with a GUI.)
* In this mode the parent can read the child's output, but can't send it any
* input.
+ * This mode doesn't work as expected when using QProcess in the same
+ * application as KProcess due to both installing signal handlers, but QProcess
+ * doing it for every new instance.
* KProcess also provides several functions for determining the exit status
* and the pid of the child process it represents.
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