D-BUS required changes in KDE 4

Gary L. Greene Jr. greeneg at phoenuxos.com
Sun May 28 16:23:41 BST 2006

On Friday 26 May 2006 01:08 pm, Christian Stoitner wrote:
> On Friday 26 May 2006 18:13, İsmail Dönmez wrote:
> > Windows can do services so do MacOSX I think and so do any sane
> > operating system. But it can't hurt to be double sure, though seems
> > unnecessary to me.
> >
> > /ismail
> and i don't know any windows user who wants to start a service on boot to
> use for example his webbrowser....
> i don't think kde(libs) as a framework should need anything like that. so
> it should be able to spawn everything it needs when its not already
> running.

This is a non-issue as the service can be added by the install process for 
Windows. Besides, have you ever looked at how many services RUN on Windows? 
Far more than you'd expect, and yes, you kill a few of those core Win32 
services, you won't have the ability to browse the web anyway....

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