[Kde-windows] kde4 dbus state ?

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Wed May 10 18:33:27 BST 2006

Peter Kümmel schrieb:
> Ralf Habacker wrote:
>> which cmake version are you using ? I have no such problem with recent 
>> cmake cvs version.
> I only use the binary release 2.4.1., maybe this is the (my) problem.
>> the dbus library itself is c level, so mingw would be enough, but the qt 
>> bindings are c++ and compiler specific.
>> We said, that msvc for KDE 4 is supported, so dbus qt binding has to be 
>> too.
> To compile with msvc until it breaks when linking qdbus
> (because of static member functions, QDBusMetaObject::create...)
> I've done this changes (here some pseudo diff output):
> --
> msvc need kdewin32
> CMakeLists.txt
> # search packages used by KDE
> if (WIN32)
> 	find_package(GNUWIN32)
> -	#find_package(KDEWIN32)
> +	if(MSVC)
> +		find_package(KDEWIN32)
> +	endif(MSVC)
> endif (WIN32)
> find_package(LIBXML2)
> +if(MINGW)
> +endif(MINGW)
> --
> msvc need kdewin32
> dbus/CMakeLists.txt
> +include_directories( ${CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH} )
was already there.
> if (WIN32)
> 	set (LIBS ws2_32 advapi32 netapi32)
> +	if(MSVC)
> +		set (LIBS ${LIBS} kdewin32)
> +	endif(MSVC)
> --
> dbus has no export specifiers!
> +if(MSVC)
> +	add_library(dbus-1 STATIC ${libdbus_SOURCES} )
> +else(MSVC)
> 	add_library(dbus-1 ${libdbus_SOURCES} )
> +endif(MSVC)
Seems that we should bring the whole stuff into cvs to be able to track 
the changes. Thiago would it be possible to commit this whole stuff into 
dbus cvs, may be on a separate branch or somewhere in kde svn ?
> --
> is this a difference between C and C++?
> dbus/dbus-sysdeps.c
some old c compilers does not support this. 
> @4185
> #else
> +   int fd2;
>     if (fd < 0)
>         return;
>   _DBUS_LOCK (win32_fds);
> +  fd2 = UNRANDOMIZE (fd);
> -  int fd2 = UNRANDOMIZE (fd);

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