New kdelibs snapshot

Hamish Rodda rodda at
Wed Mar 22 13:50:18 GMT 2006

On Thursday 23 March 2006 00:30, David Faure wrote:
> The snapshot has just been updated.
> As usual, we welcome any help in porting the other modules to it,
> and if you can, come on irc, #kde4-devel, to coordinate the porting work.

And I've committed the kdebase port.

Please note that I've endeavoured to document all of the action-related 
changes in KDE4PORTING.html.  I'm happy to answer any questions you have with 
the change.

Also note the following Qt bugs already reported (+ accepted) to tt:

[Task 106754] Checkable disabled actions can be checked (visually only) in 
QMenu with Plastique style [Pending/4.2]

[Task 106621] QAction shortcuts with Qt::WindowShortcut contexts disabled when 
menubar is hidden [Pending/4.2]

[Task 106760] QToolButton does not reverse it's down state when clicking from 
one button to another [Pending/4.2]

[Task 107556] QCommonStyle does not paint backgrounds before painting icons 
with alpha channels

[Issue N107793] Adding actions with icons to QMenuBar shows only an icon where 
it should show only text (note: not yet accepted, only just emailed to tt)

Testcases are attached for anyone particularly eager to help tt :)

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