Common Public License (CPL)

Gary Cramblitt garycramblitt at
Sun Mar 5 19:42:23 GMT 2006

On Friday 03 March 2006 10:39, George Kraft wrote:
> The reason that I am writing is that I am getting some resistance
> regarding SDK's CPL license.  It is my understanding that CPL is similar
> to LGPL in that it is not "viral" like GPL.  Applications should be able
> to use a CPL header file and link to a CPL stub library and be fine.
> If KDE could add CPL to the license list, then KTTS and other
> accessibility applications could take advantage of SDK to better enable
> the desktop.

Of interest, the GraphViz software went through a similar "discussion" in the 
debian-legal mailing list because GraphViz is released under CPL.  Here's a 
good summary of the major issues:

The indemnity clause is the one that most disturbs me.  If you interpret the 
words in the license literally, you will have a "wtf" reaction.

Unless I'm mistaken, GraphViz is now in the stable debian repository, and no 
longer in non-free.

Gary Cramblitt (aka PhantomsDad)
KDE Text-to-Speech Maintainer

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