KDE4 Libs components

Adam Treat treat at kde.org
Fri Mar 3 16:32:37 GMT 2006

On Thursday 02 March 2006 5:20 pm, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Thursday 02 March 2006 15:00, Kevin Krammer wrote:
> >  > As I understand it, these classes are meant to be standalone building
> >  > blocks for use by other classes further up the stack.
> yes, as well as stand alone utility classes, like KAutoStart (assuming it
> gets the go ahead)
> >  > How about libKDEFoundationCore and libKDEFoundationGUI
> >
> >  or just libKDECore and libKDECoreGUI?
> thing is, none of these say "discreet building blocks and stand alone
> classes" to me. they say "central pieces" which may not even be true.
> perhaps a good place to start would be to actually categorize the classes
> we plan on putting into this layer?
> honestly, this is the kind of thing that would be really served well by
> having half a dozen of the more senior KDE devs converge somewhere quiet
> for a few days, sort classes out into groups and then report back with
> their efforts for comments and thereby get most of the starting work done
> quickly (versus weeks on the mailing lists)

That sounds like a good idea.  But, since we're on the mailing list, I think 
ThreadWeaver belongs in this 'Foundation/Component/Lego' category.


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