khtml - render_text: Q3PtrVector->QVector

Peter Kümmel syntheticpp at
Tue Jun 27 21:29:30 BST 2006

I get a strange linker error when compiling
khtml with msvc: it could not find Q3GVector::at,
even though this function is an inline function.
Maybe this is because of the debug mode, but trying
to force the inlining doesn't work.

Before fiddling around with this Q3Support code
I've used QVector instead, which solves the linker

Is it possible to apply the attached patch? The
only point where I'm not sure is the replacement
of the 'compareItems' function:

int Q3GVector::compareItems( Item d1, Item d2 )
    return d1 != d2;	// compare pointers

T & QVector<T>::operator[](int i);

In the patch I compare the references to the pointers,
not the pointers, could this be a problem?

-------------- next part --------------
An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed...
Name: qvector.diff
URL: <>

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