Style plugins: cmake, loading mechanism...
Sandro Giessl
sandro at
Thu Jun 22 15:28:21 BST 2006
On Thursday 22 June 2006 12:40, Sandro Giessl wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm writing because I would like to become somewhat productive on KStyles
> again. But I have already spent hours trying to figure out a reliable way
> for KDE and Qt-Applications to load those style plugins...
> As far as I can see, the only problem is how the plugins are built at the
> moment (Plastik: [1]). For some reason they won't be recognized/loaded by
> QStyleFactory.
> Based on info from [2] I tried to build Plastik with the following
> CMakeLists.txt (lots of hardcoded paths...) which does work:
> ->---------
> project(plastiq4)
> find_package(Qt4 REQUIRED)
> include(${QT_USE_FILE})
> set(plastiq4_SRCS plastik.cpp misc.cpp)
> qt4_automoc(${plastiq4_SRCS})
> ADD_LIBRARY(plastiq4 SHARED ${plastiq4_SRCS})
> target_link_libraries(plastiq4
> ${QT_LIBRARIES} /home/k4dev/kde/lib/
> INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${QT_INCLUDE_DIR} /home/k4dev/kde/include)
> install(TARGETS plastiq4 DESTINATION lib/kde4/plugins/styles)
> ---------<-
> Could anyone explain why [1] doesn't work for me? I don't know enough about
> shared objects/cmake/QLibrary and stuff yet to fix it myself. Thanks!
Huh... finally, "ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DQT_NO_DEBUG)" in Plastik's CMakeLists.txt
did it. Style plugin loading works perfectly now.
But I guess what's in SVN is correct and it wasn't CMakeLists.txt's fault. I'm
probably mixing debug/release versions of kdelibs and qt-copy...
> Regards, Sandro
> 1:
>540221&view=auto 2:
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