[PATCH] Konqueror: website icon in icons visible with close buttons

Olaf Jan Schmidt ojschmidt at kde.org
Sat Jun 17 20:28:04 BST 2006

[ Bram Schoenmakers ]
> This patch will make the website icon always visible, unless the mouse is
> hovering the icon, then it shows a close button.

Hidden controls that only appear when you search for them are generally bad 
usability, unless a user test implies otherwise in this specific case. Has 
there been feedback from the usability team?

I also see possible accessibility problems. People who have less control over 
mouse movements would have more problems finding the hidden close button than 
most people, and they might not be able to stop an intended click on the icon 
in time when it suddenly changes to a close button.

For the same reason, other changing user interface elements (such as a 
combined stop / reload button) are problematic for accessibility and 

> Is it OK to apply this to the 3.5 branch?

Has this already been applied to head and tested there?

If this is the case, then a revoke of the change should be considered.


Olaf Jan Schmidt, KDE Accessibility co-maintainer, open standards 
accessibility networker, Protestant theology student and webmaster of 
http://accessibility.kde.org/ and http://www.amen-online.de/

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