Warming up for 3.5.4 [ChangeLog-changes]

Carsten Niehaus cniehaus at gmx.de
Tue Jun 6 09:22:32 BST 2006


(CC'ing promo as I am sure some there are interested but not subscribed here, 
lets keep the thread here, though)

As you might now I try to keep the changelog [2] uptodate. Until KDE 3.5.3 
there we a file called for example changelog3_5_2to3_5_3.php which was infact 
a html-file with a small php-wrapping around it. Well, that changed now, 
introducing the power of xml :-)


If you want to mention a change in the 3.5-branch please just add it to 
the .xml-file. Using xsltproc all the html-stuff (including the php-wrapping) 
will be created automatically by doing:

  xsltproc -o changelog3_5_4.php changelog.xsl changelog_branch_3_5.xml

A bugfix is now for example:

<module name="kdegraphics">
        <product name="KPDF" homepage="http://kpdf.kde.org">
                <bugfix bugno="122788">Update the thumbnail selection when 
toggling a search</bugfix>

In the future we want to be able do do for example a diff between 3.5.4 and 
3.5.3, but only of the apps in kdepim. The information is all in the xml, 
just somebody needs to write the xsl :-)

> June 6th: Opening 3.5 branch slightly - features and docu changes
>     need explicit approval, but are generally allowed if following the
> rules we introduced before[1]
> July 10th: Freeze again
> July 24th: Tagging KDE 3.5.4

Sounds good, the plan [1] is not yet updated, btw.

  Carsten Niehaus

[1] http://developer.kde.org/development-versions/kde-3.5-release-plan.html
[2] http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/www/sites/www/announcements/changelogs/
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