Rik Hemsley
rik at
Sun Jun 4 11:59:01 BST 2006
Adam Tulinius wrote:
> i saw the wish on about the possibility of making kpf allow
> unlimited bandwidth. well, couldn't do that, but since the limits seems to be
> 1024kBps i made a patch that only allows the bandwidth to be a value between
> 1 og 1024 kBps so people don't think anything is wrong when they notice the
> low throughoutput.
The patch looks like the best solution, thanks.
The only problem is that I'm not able to test it.
I'm CC:ing this to kde-core-devel in the hope that someone might have
the time to have a look at it.
That's if this message actually gets through without me being subscribed
at this address...
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