dbus test failures on Mac OS X

Thiago Macieira thiago at kde.org
Thu Jun 1 08:18:53 BST 2006

Benjamin Reed wrote:
>********* Start testing of tst_Hal *********
>Config: Using QTest library 4.1.3, Qt 4.1.3
>PASS   : tst_Hal::initTestCase()
>FAIL!  : tst_Hal::getDevices() 'con.isConnected()' returned FALSE. ()
>   Loc:
> [/Users/ranger/cvs/kdesupport/qt-dbus/selftests/hal/tst_hal.cpp(45)]
> FAIL!  : tst_Hal::lock() 'con.isConnected()' returned FALSE. () Loc:
> [/Users/ranger/cvs/kdesupport/qt-dbus/selftests/hal/tst_hal.cpp(60)]
> PASS   : tst_Hal::cleanupTestCase()
>Totals: 2 passed, 2 failed, 0 skipped
>********* Finished testing of tst_Hal *********

No connection to the system bus. Is the system bus daemon running? Is HAL 

I don't think MacOS X uses HAL, so probably not.

>QDEBUG : tst_QDBusMarshall::sendVariant(bool) sending message:
>QDBusMessage(type=MethodCall, service="org.kde.selftest",
>path="/org/kde/selftest", interface="org.kde.selftest", name="ping",
>signature="", contents=(QVariant(bool(false)) ) )
>FAIL!  : tst_QDBusMarshall::sendVariant(bool) Compared values are not
> the same Actual (reply.signature()):
>   Expected (QString("v")): v
>   Loc:
> [/Users/ranger/cvs/kdesupport/qt-dbus/selftests/qdbusmarshall/tst_qdbus

Interesting, all of the sendVariant failed...

VARIANT is a special case because I have to use some ugly hack to put a 
variant inside another variant.

The interesting thing is that there is no "got message" for the reply. I 
wonder if this is something I did wrong in the debugging or if no reply 
actually happened.

Please try running "qpong/qpong &" manually before tst_qdbusmarshall so 
that the debugging output for the ping-pong is shown too.

It looks like the qpong program died or something, because it stopped 
replying completely.

>... this is Qt 4.1.3 plus qt-patches as of revision 544500 (the only
>new patch since I built my Qt is 0132-qdate-extendedrange.diff).

Completely unrelated, since DBUS does not support QDates.

Thiago Macieira  -  thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
  thiago.macieira (AT) trolltech.com     Trolltech AS
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