
Peter Kümmel syntheticpp at gmx.net
Fri Jul 28 10:08:07 BST 2006

David Jarvie wrote:
> On Thursday 27 Jul 2006 18:19, Peter Kümmel wrote:
>> Peter Kümmel wrote:
>>> Why could we not also use the unix code on windows?
>>> No problem with compiling.
> If the UNIX code works on Windows, fine. I simply copied from the way that 
> QDateTime::currentDateTime() works, with suitable modification to fetch 
> the UTC time rather than the local time. The Windows code is untested, but 
> it's simple enough to be reasonably confident that it will work.
>>> KDateTime KDateTime::currentUtcDateTime()
>>> {
>>> #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
>>>     memset(&st, 0, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME));
>>>     GetSystemTime(&st);
>>>     return KDateTime(QDate(st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay),
>>>                      QTime(st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, 
> st.wMilliseconds),
>>>                      Spec(UTC));
>>> #else
>>>     time_t t;
>>>     ::time(&t);
>>>     KDateTime result;
>>>     result.setTime_t(static_cast(t));
>>>     return result;
>>> #endif
>>> }
>>> Peter
>> Shouldn't the windows specific code not be part of the KDateTime 
> constructor?
> The KDateTime constructor does not fetch the current time, so there is no 
> reason why this code should be in the constructor.

OK, so the windows code does too much, and we could remove it.


> --
> David Jarvie.

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